Are you Scaling Your Team?
You're building your team, and you need recruiters. How does TechRec Academy work?​

Our students are experienced recruiters looking to break into tech. We vet not only for recruiters with stellar recruiting skills, but also for those with the Key Traits for Success.

We collaborate with our network of recruiting and engineering leaders to develop a training program specifically designed to help students learn technical recruiting.

We train our students over the course of a 2-week full-time boot camp, where they practice the technology, recruiting and critical thinking skills needed for success in the job.

We've built a community to provide TechRec Academy alumni with continued training and support while they work in their new jobs as technical recruiters.
"The team you build is the company you build."
- Vinod Khosla, Khosla Ventures
What are the Key Traits for Success?
During the application process, we vet recruiters based on these qualities:

Intellectual curiosity
We look for recruiters who love to ask, "Why?" They enjoy learning about the latest technologies, and they always strive to understand how their hiring impacts the business as a whole.

Problem Solvers
We target recruiters who think critically and creatively. They aren't afraid to recommend courses of action, and they pore through data to figure out how to improve their recruiting processes.

Emotional Intelligence
We focus on bringing in recruiters that communicate effectively and resonate well with a wide range of people and personalities, so they are able to build teams with a diverse background.
"If you listen to any CEO of a high-growth company for more than 5 minutes, you’ll likely hear them say hiring is their number one obstacle to achieving their financial, customer and product objectives. It’s SO true."
- David Salinger, Founder, EyeLevel
Recruiters We've Trained Have Been Hired At: